Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Summer Re-cap

Ok, so I know it's been awhile. It seems like this summer flew by and we really didn't do a whole lot. It was a long, hot summer for us and I'm glad it's almost fall.
In June we did Vacation Bible School and this year Riley was able to participate more and not just be babysat while I volunteered. This was a surprise to me and I loved seeing him involved in all the singing and dancing.

In July we went to Bass Lake for the 4th. Every year the Stewart's, Whitson's and Waltner's take us in for the weekend and make us feel so welcome. We always have a good time floating in the lake and relaxing in the sun.

Andrew and Riley just floating, how we spend most of the day at the lake.

Stan took all the grand kids (including Riles) in the model T for the Logger's Jamboree Parade. Riley LOVED this car.

Wanda, who is a great artist, helped Riley draw a few things on his new Etch-a-sketch.

Then in August we celebrated Andrew's 30th birthday! We had several simple parties with family and friends.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's A...

At our ultrasound last week the tech spent a lot of time with us, examining every square ounce of this baby to find that she looks to be very healthy and very girly. It's hard to see in the first picture but it is looking at the baby as if she were sitting on her bum and we are looking up from the floor. The outline is of her thighs and tiny bum with the arrow pointing to the three lines that prove she's a girl. This is so exciting to us. Andrew knew it was a girl so it just confirmed what he was already thinking. Riley thought it was a girl the whole pregnancy until about 10 minutes before the ultrasound then he insisted it was going to be a boy. The whole thing was overwhelming to him and I'm sure he didn't understand anything that was going on. After a lot of talking about it, he is now very excited he's going to have a sister. And me, well... I thought it would be nice to have another boy because I'm comfortable with that, and I have everything for a boy already, it would cheap and easy, but deep down I also knew it was a girl. I am excited and still very scared of all the things that come with raising a girl. But I feel blessed.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

a lot has happened

So, since it's been at least 3 months since I last posted I should play catch up.

In March we found out we would be adding to our family. Yea, for a new babe. But, boo to the yuckyness of the first trimester. I'm feeling much better, less tired and more like me this last couple of weeks.

In April, Riley and I crashed the LBC MOPS outing to the fire station. Riley had a great time and was so excited to meet all the firemen and see all the big trucks, he even made me take him over to the baby fire truck (the captains truck) to get a good look at it.

In May we planned a trip to Disneyland to take full advantage of the "free before their 3" deal. We all had a blast, it was so exciting for Andrew and I to see it all through Riley's eyes.

Riley REALLY liked the teacups! Andrew had the cup spinning so fast and Riley was laughing so hard. Half way through the ride I made Andrew ease up on the spinning, although it looked like he was enjoying himself, you never know when enough is enough.

Riley was really excited to meet Mickey and see where he lived. I wanted this to be the first thing we did when we got to the park, but we had to walk right by Dumbo and wait in that line forever. So by the time we got back to ToonTown to see Mickey it was nap time and the wait to see him was so long and when it was finally our turn he was only excited for a minute. Bummer.

This was by far the highlight of Riley's trip. Lightning McQueen was in the Pixar Play Parade at California. I wish we had a picture of his face, he had that dumbfounded, star struck look and didn't take his eyes off of him until he was out of sight. It was so cute.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So here is a picture of Riley at the height of his sickness, isn't he pathetic.

Ended up he had a pink eye that lead to a sinus infection that caused his eye to swell to about 3 times its normal size, then because of all the pressure he ruptured a blood vessel in the other eye. Wow! He was a sight to see.

Just in the nick of time, Riley's eye healed so we could spend the week in Fontana for the Nascar Race. Here is white trash Riley.
This is the picture to describe the weekend, UGLY! Seriously, it rained all weekend.

You can't see his face but Riley fell asleep on my lap during the Sprint race on Sunday, by then it had already been a long weekend without naps and he was pooped.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Yep, that's right Riley is sick. I mean like really, really sick. Poor guy came down with pink eye on Monday and so far he he's only gotten worse. With no relief in sight, we went back to the doctor yesterday. Only to get another prescription for drops (don't they know how hard it is to administer drops to a screaming 2 year old). He is so pathetic, it melts my heart.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Riley and I were able to go with Andrew on a business trip a few weeks ago to San Marcos. We stayed at the Lake San Marcos Hotel which is in a senior community. It was a real sweet place Andrew and I admitted we could enjoy our retirement there. Here are a few pictures of Riley while we were gone. Unfortunately the weather was cloudy, rainy and really cold, so we didn't spend a whole lot of time outside.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Before and After

Riley got his haircut today. He has been blessed with hair, a lot of hair! I have been letting it grow just for a few months and it was getting so long and really wavy. It was beautiful.

Look how sweet and grown up this cut makes him look. I love this face!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Messy Boy

Riley decided to help himself to a snack. Foolish of me to leave them within his reach.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Riley's 2nd Birthday

In November our sweet boy turned two. We had a fun "Woo, Woo Guk" (Fire Truck) party at our house. It was a very fun night! After the party and without doing any clean up we went to the beach for the rest of the weekend.