Ok, so I know it's been awhile. It seems like this summer flew by and we really didn't do a whole lot. It was a long, hot summer for us and I'm glad it's almost fall.
In June we did Vacation Bible School and this year Riley was able to participate more and not just be babysat while I volunteered. This was a surprise to me and I loved seeing him involved in all the singing and dancing.
In July we went to Bass Lake for the 4th. Every year the Stewart's, Whitson's and Waltner's take us in for the weekend and make us feel so welcome. We always have a good time floating in the lake and relaxing in the sun.
Andrew and Riley just floating, how we spend most of the day at the lake.
Stan took all the grand kids (including Riles) in the model T for the Logger's Jamboree Parade. Riley LOVED this car.
Wanda, who is a great artist, helped Riley draw a few things on his new Etch-a-sketch.
Then in August we celebrated Andrew's 30th birthday! We had several simple parties with family and friends.